Publication Policy

Twice a year, call for papers is announced in January and July for the issues of June and December.

Publication Fee Waiver

Guest authors (scholars of International Repute) will not be charged fee for submitting a research paper.

Publication Fee

In accordance with the Policy for NUML Research Journals (2023), the authors have to pay a partial amount of the total processing/publishing cost of an article borne by the National University of Modern Languages. The fee paid at any stage will be non-refundable if a paper fails peer review. The bank account details and payment procedure are as under

S. No.

Description of Fee




Initial submission 

Rs. 1,000 

At the time of submission


Processing fee

Rs. 9,500 

After successful internal peer review report


Publication Fee

Rs. 9,500


At the time of publication


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1. Askari Bank Account # for NUML journal of Critical Inquiry:  00550380006671

2. Make an online payment and upload the receipt


3. Make payments through Pay orders/ Bank Draft in the name of Editor, Numl Journal of Critical Inquiry and upload the receipt and send the drafts on this email or this Postal Address:

Dr Sibghatullah Khan


NUML Journal of Critical Inquiry

Department of English, Faculty of Arts & Humanities (FAH)

National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad



                                                                   Inland             Foreign

Individual Subscription                             Rs. 2000/-

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